Parents Reaching Out - Annual Report 2015

Proposed Concept, Design and Layout for Parents Reaching Out Annual Report

This project was a mockup of an annual report for a non-profit in Albuquerque that provides support, training and tools for families and youth with disabilities or complex medical needs.

The projected completion date was proposed for November 2015. 

Parents Reaching Out is dedicated to enhancing positive outcomes for families and children of New Mexico through informed decision making, advocacy and resources.

Their mission supports all families including those who have children with disabilities, and others who are disenfranchised.



Parents Reaching Out requested a mockup in advance to help them visualize and build their annual report content throughout 2015. 


I wanted the concept and styles for the annual report to be clean and simple with large images focusing on hands in various acts of connecting between parent and child or images of childhood with a bright color palette suggesting creativity and vivid play while incorporating targeted quotes about raising families and parenting as well as feedback from parents to add identification and emotional context to the report. 


Throughout 2015 the PRO team will create content for each program by writing a specific and inspiring personal story of success for each program within PRO. These stories will focus on individuals working with specific families in 2015 who's stories will illustrate how Parents Reaching Out has deeply touched the lives of children and families by highlighting positive outcomes within these families and communities throughout New Mexico in 2015. 

These concepts are designed to create an emotional identification and to demonstrate the value and successes that Parents Reaching Out can foster within the families and communities they serve while also communicating the statistics using colorful infographics.

This will not only describe each program but will show the unique and specific value of all that Parents Reaching Out can accomplish in a way that hopefully has greater impact than simple statistics and program descriptions alone can demonstrate. The goal is to touch the hearts and minds of those who support Parents Reaching Out as well as those who will want to support them in the future.


InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop